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    Mba Projects

    It is mandatory to complete the MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA degree) with the student completing an end term dissertation in the Administration Studies. IGNOU being a distance education course, makes it compulsory to test the knowledge. For IGNOU students, it is great challenge to complete these Projects on time. As almost all of the IGNOU MBA Students are working professionals, therefore it is evident they lack time and sometimes require extensive guidance in completing these dissertations. The first step is Synopsis also called research proposal for the IGNOU students to write and get approved.

    EDUHELPCENTRAL understands the student dilemma and task challenge for the MBA Programs from IGNOU. Hence we offer ignou mba project the following areas of management studies. Sales and distribution, Human Resource Management, Operations, Services Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality, Supply chain, CSR, Retail marketing, CRM,  .

    Types of IGNOU MBA Project and Reports:
    1) Circumstance Study (Comprehensive): Covering Standalone organizational problems, Multi-functional area problem (inter disciplinary study like marketing and IT, or retail and CRM), Formulation, Analysis and recommendation

    2) Inter organizational Research: Aimed at Inter organizational comparisons, Validation of Theory and Management Practices

    Project Proposal (SYNOPSIS): The Synopsis should plainly state the objectives, Analysis Methodology of the Recommended Project undertaken. It should have full details of rationale, sampling, Instruments, to be used.

    Contact our writer at EDUHELPCENTRAL, who will guide you in choosing topic, an area of your choice, and will be assigned to you, discuss with you as each chapter is send through email to you. 

    The size duration of the report can be a minimum of 50 to 70 Pages Double spaced Entered pages maximum 18,000 words.

    • Each Project Report properly describe the Research Strategy adopted and the course of the Future Analysis.
    • The copy of the Project Proposal proforma and Synopsis.
    • Certificate of originalty duly signed by the student and teacher

    One Typed copy of the Project Report is usually to be submitted to the ‘Registrar, IGNOU, MAIDAN GARHI, Delhi-110068’. Once the students submits the Project Report, A PR Number is allotted which is communicated to the student. The student can communicate this number while contacting the SR&E department.

    Some important points for IGNOU MBA Projects :

    1) Make two copies of the project proposal. Send one copy and keep one copy.
    2) On the envelope, write properly MS-100 with the address to

    ‘The Co-ordinator Projects,

    School of Management Studies,IGNOU,


    New Delhi,110068

    3) Include the below mentioned documents while submitting the proposal:

    Proforma for the approval of the project(signed by both student and supervisor)

    Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae of the Supervisor
    Synopsis of the Project Report
    Objective of the Study
    Mention of the methodologies to be used in carrying out the study
    Mention of limitations as well if any and the trend of the Future Research


    Feel free to contact us through email for synopsis writing, endterm project writing, summertraining internship projects:

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