Cover Page


    Certificate of the Project guide/Centre Manager

    Certificate of the Company/Organisation

    Synopsis of the Project

    Main Report:

        Objective & Scope of the Project.

        Theoretical Background.

        Definition of Problem.

        System Analysis & Design vis-a-vis User Requirements.

        System Planning (PERT Chart).

        Methodology adopted, System Implementation & Details of Hardware & Software used.

        System Maintenance & Evaluation.

        Cost and benefit Analysis.

        Detailed Life Cycle of the Project:

            ERD, DFD

            Input and Output Screen Design

            Process involved

            Methodology used for testing

            Test Report, Printout of the Reports, Printout of the Code Sheet

            User/Operational Manual – including security aspects, access rights, back up, controls, etc.




    Brief background of the organisation where the student has developed the project.

    Data Dictionary


    This should give a catalogue of the data elements used in the system/sub system developed. The following are the details required. Write NA if NOT applicable :

    Data Name

    Aliases, if any

    Length (Size)

    Type, Numeric, Alpha, Binary etc.

    List of abbreviations, Figures, Tables



    – Bibliography

    – Website

    Soft copy of the project on CD or Floppy.



Project over, modify your resume through us: (

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